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How To Create Google Custom Search Engine For Website or Blog

Google is famous as well they also provide number of good services. As we use Google's normal search engine while making searches.  But instead of this Google also provide Custom search engines. In this service you are able to make your own design search engine enhanced with Google. Suppose if you have any website or blog then it is too much necessary for you to add any search engine because adding search engine more user friendly means when someone want to find any particular article but they don't have any idea where it is actually locate then site search box is helpful in that condition. Search box make your users more familiar with your website or blog. 

Benefits of Using CSE (custom search engine)

Google offers making your own custom search engine with number of different best features. Suppose if you are using own make site search engine for your site or blog. They only able to show you result not so much accurately. So here are some features in CSE which are necessary for its acceptance and using them.

  • You are able to design in different colors and size for your own search box.
  • You can show results anywhere in different form.
  • You can also use Instance suggestion service, Adsense for making money, Add specific sites for results, Show thumbnails and much more.

How To Create Your Own CSE ?

Here are some steps to setup your custom search engine within 2 minutes.
  • First of all the open the homepage for CSE here
  • Then Click on the Button New Search from left sidebar.
  • Then Enter the URL of your Website or Blog and Select your specific language
  • Then click on create Button and Your Search Box is created Successfully.
  • If you want to add search engine on your site then click on Receive code button.
  • Then copy given code and place it anywhere on your website or blog.
  • For Blogger user simple add search code in Layout >> Add a gadget >> HTML/JavaScript.
  • And then paste the received code and save it.
I hope your enjoy this tutorial for creating your own Google custom search engine. In next article i will explain all the important features of CSE.

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