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Is AdSense is No Longer Accepting Applications from India?

GoogleI have been regular visitors at AdSense Help forums, to understand the changes in AdSense basics, policies, products, features, earning stats and reporting. I regularly see people problem posted in the form of questions in the forum and most of them receives multiple answers from different contributors who are much known to AdSense and some of the them are part of Google AdSense Team.
The problem with Indian users is that they don’t read or subscribe to email updates of Inside AdSense blog. They want to make money with AdSense but one thing I understood is that you should always keep up with the program policy and guidelines which are update anytime.
Coming back to the AdSense help forums which is the only source to all the publishers around the world to discuss their queries, help and issues, people come and post their questions. Many Indian publishers and starts up are struck up with the basic questions on getting started with AdSense. Presented here are the much-researched tutorials on the basics questions much discussed.
Is AdSense No longer accepting publisher’s application from India?
This is not true as the best of our knowledge.
Google AdSense is still accepting applications for the publishers in India. It’s clear that they haven’t shut down it for publishers in India. But AdSense applications from Indians are levied to meet the minimum qualifications in order that your application should be accepted. You might find people who says ‘AdSense is no longer accepting application’, they might be from some other country where the application as a publisher is closed.
Is true that Blogspot blogs are not accepted for Application?
The answer is again, it’s not true.
Any publisher can apply for AdSense using free hosted blogspot blogs. Blogspot blogs are perfectly acceptable to AdSense provided that you meet up your policy requirements.
The last question is:
Indian Publisher should wait for 6 months? Why?
This is quite hard for me to answer this question. It’s not only based on myths but we have kept practical observations through comments and responses to our last blog post Do Indian AdSense Publishers need to wait 6 months for Approval?
We get started with official statement from AdSense help center says, “In some locations, including China and India, we require publishers to have owned their sites for 6 months. We’ve taken this step to ensure the quality of our advertising network and protect the interests of our advertisers and existing publishers” Which clearly states that including India and China there are many countries in which this rule is applicable. India and China were added to the list because there were more cases of fraud clicks and to ensure quality of advertising network with interests to protect advertisers and existing publishers.
But when coming to practical observations, it’s clear that above statement is simply a myth, you can get your AdSense approved within a month, two months, three months and needn’t wait for six months only if you have original content or that high visitors to your blog or any helpful information to the public. However there is no clear confirmation on how much are the minimum required criteria in order to be considered before six months. Six months minimum ownership is set for those who have too little content and visitors.